"Why should I start at the plough of my Lord, that maketh deep furrows on my soul? I know he is no idle husbandmen, he purposeth a crop." Page 8
"'In all their afflictions he was afflicted.' Then Christ bore the first stroke of this cross: it rebounded off him upon you, and ye got it at the second hand, and he and ye are halvers in it. And I shall believe for my part, he mindeth to distil heaven out of this loss, and all others the like; for wisdom devised it, and love laid it on, and Christ owneth it as his own, and putteth your shoulder only beneath a piece of it." Page 77-78
"This soul of ours hath love, and cannot but love some fair one; and O, what a fair One, what an only One, what an excellent, lovely ravishing One is Jesus." Page 53
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